Who is buro BEITS ?

Buro BEITS is a boutique consultancy firm

Buro BEITS was founded in 2015 by Bob Bunnik and works, as a scalable network organisation, closely together with various industry and domain experts.
We design and implement strategies, by bridging technology and organisation. We create strategic concepts, growth strategies, new business models and innovative, meaningful use-cases in technology intense environments. Use cases with a demonstrable positive impact, like increased revenues or cost savings.

Experienced professionals

As a flexible network organisation, buro BEITS collaborates with a wide range of industry experts and ‘thought leaders’. All of our partners and consultants have at least 20 years’ experience in technology driven industries.

We are entrepreneurs ourselves

We are flexible in our commercial model and we are willing to participate in building and shaping start-ups or completely new organisations. We work on the basis of fixed or variable fees, but also for equity or a share of revenue increase, or cost savings.

What do we do ?

Technology driven disruption and transformation

We help design and implement medium term strategies for organisations. In every industry, technology is a ‘disrupter’ but also an ‘enabler’ of business transformation. 

Our focus areas therefore are:
Innovation: in your company’s processes, portfolio, customer relation, etc.
Technology: as a means for value creation or complete transformation.
Strategy: creating growth options, with attention for execution.

'Strategy Landed'

“Strategy is execution” is our motto. This starts with creating insights, inspiration and creativity in creating growth options. But we also pay a lot of attention to implementation: agile, creating traction and manageable scalability.

How we do it ?

Creative & conceptual

New technology inspires us: new use cases based on the endless possibilities of technology. Making this relevant and useful to your business and your customers, requires tailor made advise: new products and services, new business models, new partnerships. Technology as a means, never as an objective in itself!


Creativity and innovation are great, but concepts also need to be feasible. That’s why we always start with the facts. Fact based analysis of the market situation, cost and revenue drivers, best practice. We first create evidence for the applicability of technology and it’s ‘product-market fit’, after that you can decide to invest in a detailed business case and implementation.


Our focus is always to quickly deliver a working concept, a ‘Proof of Concept’ (PoC) or ‘Minimal Viable Product’ (MVP). This creates early experience with the solution, clear ‘go’/’no-go’ moments, after which you can decide to scale-up (or not).

Feasible and scalable

Already in the creation and analytical phases, we work on solutions with sustainable business models, based on scalable platforms and complementary partnerships. This significantly increases the feasibility of projects.

Can we help you ?

Are you interested in meeting or collaborating with us? Please contact Bob Bunnik.
Contact us

buro BEITSbv

Bezoekadres (op afspraak):
Westblaak 228
7e verdieping
3012 KP  Rotterdam
Buro BEITS is een handelsnaam van BeauMel b.v., statutair gevestigd te Gouderak en ingeschreven bij de Kamer van Koophandel onder nummer 24364672.